



I went from living off unemployment to earning multiple six figures from my blog and online business in less than a year. Now, I am blessed to make a living sharing those life changing lessons with you


I was working full-time in the corporate healthcare world, spending 40 hours a week of my life forcing myself to sit and do work I hated, constantly checking the clock to see if the day was over yet.

Until I got laid off in the midst of a global pandemic.

had been spending 5 days a week just waiting for my 2 day weekend, working hard to line the pockets of a massive corporation, trading my life for a paycheck.

And then when the most horrible historical event of our lifetime happened, I was let go like I didn’t matter, just to save the corporation a little money.

I already had big dreams of escaping the 9 to 5, spending my days doing something I love, traveling the world before retirement, and never having to “request PTO” to get a break again. I already felt there had to be more to life than what I was living. This fire was lit in me after two major life events that rocked my world forever.

Let’s rewind to three years ago, when my life began to dramatically change:

First, in August of 2019, one of my best friends from high school died tragically and unexpectedly at only 29 years old. I realized then that life was so short, so temporary, and (to put it grimly) we all die anyway, so I might as well spend it doing what I really want to do.

Then, only two months later in October 2019, my hometown in Florida was decimated by category 5 Hurricane Michael. My childhood home was completely destroyed while my parents and I were inside. The storm lasted almost 4 hours, and there were moments, as the roof was peeling off over my head, that I had this inner knowing that there was a real possibility that my life was about to end.

Being in that place was the most profound, life-altering moment I’ve ever had. When you’ve literally faced death, everything else in life becomes a lot less scary. You come to realize that no matter what risks you take in pursuing the life you desire, nothing can really happen to you, because at the end of the day, you’re still alive.

But you don’t have to have a near death experience to come to that realization. The truth remains for all of us:

Life is temporary. There is nothing that can happen to you that will destroy you, except death itself, and we all die anyway. So what do we really have to fear? Why not do what it takes to live the life you really want?



I am an only child, born and raised in Florida!

Even though we live 2,000 miles apart now, my parents and I have a great relationship and talk every day. They thought I was completely crazy when I first started talking about starting an online business (they will even admit to that!), but now they are my biggest supporters!

My dad is a creative entrepreneur himself, and has always been a big source of inspiration to create what I want to see in the world and the courage to put it out there. He is an incredibly talented artist and has been selling his work on eBay as long as I can remember, probably since the beginning of eBay itself. He actually nearly owns the market on eBay in his niche!

My mom is the most caring, thoughtful, selfless person I know. She keeps me grounded and has been an incredible example of being of service to people, and inspires me to give generously and live in a constant state of gratitude and love for others.

I’m in a long-term relationship with the most intelligent, hilarious, and encouraging man I know

This is my boyfriend, Harsh, who I met while in NYC! He is a business owner himself, and has supported and encouraged me in my business endeavors even when no one else did. He has seen me at some of the lowest points in my life, including the loss of my job, and has stuck by me through it all. We can laugh and be silly together (people prob think we’re super weird), but can also have super deep conversations. In fact, the moment I fell in love with him is when we were laying on the floor together discussing the theory of relativity lol. He makes my life better, and I’m so grateful to have him to share this world with.


I love to cook! And I’m actually pretty darn good at it!

I can’t bake to save my life, though. Harsh is way better at it. I make the dinner, he makes the dessert! #teamwork
I’d actually love to open a fresh, locally sourced cafe one day!

Overall, I’ve been through a lot in my life and survived a lot of moments where I could have given up and continued to play small for the rest of my existence.

But every time, I chose to get up, rise up, let everything that went through be a lesson, and use it to grow and hopefully inspire others to make the most of their lives, too.



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